"Now, the vaccine can become a backstop against these variants really getting more of a foothold here in the United States, but we need to quicken the pace of vaccination." "The new variant has mutated a part of the spike protein that our antibodies bind to, to try to clear the virus itself, so this is concerning," Gottlieb said. It means that some of the antibodies people produce when they get infected with Covid, as well as the antibody drugs, may not be quite as effective. Gottlieb cited experimental evidence from Bloom Lab, and explained 501.V2 does appear to partially escape prior immunity. South Africa has already sustained the more than 1.1 million COVID-19 cases and more than 30,000 deaths, the most on the African continent. Padman said on Monday’s episode that she hoped Shepard “felt loved and supported” after his revelation.The South African variant is also known as 501.V2, and in mid-December officials reported that 501.V2 had been largely replacing other strains of the coronavirus as early as November. Shepard thanked all his fans and listeners for being so “unbelievably lovely to us in response to ‘Day 7.'” Shepard realized he needed to stop self-medicating when he began “lying to other people,” including his his wife, Kristen Bell, and podcast co-host, Monica Padman. And then all the prescriptions run out and I’m now just taking 30 mil Oxys that I’ve bought whenever I decide I can do. “I’m allowed to be on them at some dosage because I have a prescription. “For the last eight weeks maybe, I don’t know … I’m on them all day,” the “Bless This Mess” actor said. The comedian had been prescribed Vicodin after suffering several motorcycle injuries, but found himself increasing his dosage, he said on the episode. At the time of that taping, he was seven days sober.
Last week, Shepard, 45, opened up in another episode, titled “Day 7,” about using drugs again. But at any rate, I’m really, really grateful and there’s so many beautiful, nice people.”

“ struggling with some fraudulent feelings of receiving love based on a f-k-up. “My fears were the opposite of what the result was,” he shared on his “Armchair Expert” podcast on Monday. Dax Shepard was surprised by the support he received after disclosing his recent relapse following 16 years of sobriety.